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Your Community Agent

McKean Insurance Agency

Ian McKean, CIC

12900 Stroh Ranch Place Unit 225

Parker, CO 80134


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Agent Bio

McKean Insurance Agency was founded in 2006 in Parker, Colorado with a mission to provide quality insurance and sincere service to residents of Douglas County, Elbert County and across Colorado.

As independent insurance agents, we have access to a wide variety of auto, home and life insurance products. If you love to recreate in Colorado like we do, we can insure your boat, motorcycle, ATV, camper or trailer. If you run a business in Colorado, we are experts in commercial insurance and workers compensation.

We are not a “captive” agency. Unlike State Farm, Allstate or Geico, we are not limited to a single line of products at set prices. Instead, we can “shop around” and get a quote from various companies.